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Downtown Campus - CM at Risk Bid

Feb. 24, 2015
Submittal Deadline: 
Mar. 17, 2015 - 2:00pm
Job Walk/Pre-Bid Conference: 
Mar. 3, 2015 - 10:30am
Project/Bid Number: 

Description of Work:

The new Downtown Center, an approximately 70,000 OGSF to 100,000 OGSF new building, will be located at

downtown Merced in the City of Merced Civic Center District. This building will provide private offices, open

offices, conference rooms, supporting facilities, and retail/mixed-use spaces.

Procedures: Bidding Documents will be made available to the following Level 2 Prequalified CM/Contractors on

Tuesday, February 24, 2015:

McCarthy Building Companies

Otto Construction

Turner Construction
