July 20, 2018 Addendum 2 posted
July 19, 2018 Addendum 1 posted
The project will provide space renovations to offices and support spaces located in the existing Kolligian Library Building 3rd Floor West on the UC Merced campus. This project will reconfigure selected portions of approximately 15,500 assignable square feet of spaces while the remaining building and spaces are expected to be fully operational. The Work will include coordination with University furniture vendor, demolition of existing framed walls, frame new walls, doors & hardware, electrical & data modifications, HVAC and fire sprinkler adjustments, and finishes. The project is projected to be complete is September 2018 for fall semester.
Project Completion: October 12, 2018
Estimated construction cost: $375,000
Bidding documents will be available at the University’s ShareFile site at http://rfp-rfq.ucmerced.edu/ for electronic download: hardcopy bidding documents will not be provided by the University. Bid Results will be available on our website at http://rfp-rfq.ucmerced.edu/ .
Bidding Documents will be made available July 12, 2018.
A NON-MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference will be conducted on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 beginning promptly at 10:00 AM. Participants shall meet at 5200 N. Lake Rd, Merced, CA 95343, UC Merced Campus, Kolligian Library (KL) First Floor Lantern. Parking permits are required throughout campus and are available at yellow dispenser at the LeGrand and North Bowl.
Requests for clarification or interpretation of the Bidding Documents must be in writing and received by Thursday, July 19, 2018 at 4:00 P.M. Questions received after the above-noted deadline may be answered at the discretion of the University's Representative. Questions may be emailed to:
Fran Telechea – University of California, Merced
Email: ftelechea@ucmerced.edu