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Site Phase 6 Trade Package 4 - Bridge Construction

Oct. 6, 2011
Submittal Deadline: 
Oct. 25, 2011 - 2:00pm
Job Walk/Pre-Bid Conference: 
Oct. 18, 2011 - 10:00am
Project/Bid Number: 

Trade Package 4 will provide earthwork, concrete, bridge procurement and placement at the two canal locations. 

The Site Development & Infrastructure Phase 6 project will provide initial site preparation, including grading, leveling and hydroseeding of the non-developed 711 acres of the Campus that are outside the initial 104-acre campus layout, as well as for the northern portion of the University Community.  This project will also construct site access roads; install campus perimeter fencing; install erosion control, and install a required canal crossing for the endangered local kit fox population.

Addenda #4 - Add Trade Package #4 Bridges to Site & Infrastructure Phase 6 - Go to for the complete Addenda.
