DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The Housing Duct Cleaning Project includes complete completing of the HVAC equipment and ducting in Housing
buildings, Valley Terraces, Sierra Terraces, The Summits: Tenaya & Cathedral and Half Dome. The project shall be
completed no later August 20, 2021. The project will be awarded to the lowest bidder by each building.
Bidding Documents will be available on May 3, 2021, and will be issued only at:mUniversity of California, Merced https://rfp-rfq.ucmerced.edu/
Bids will be received electronically only at: https://ucmerced.app.box.com/f/8113b1ff8c4148af99148f71b872b6fe
Bid Deadline: Sealed bids must be received on or before 2:00PM, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2021. Hard copy or email
bids will not be accepted. Project will be awarded to the lowest bidder for each building not overall lowest bid.
Bids will be opened via zoom https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/89449801443 or Dial by phone at (669 900) 6833
Meeting ID: 894 4980 1443
Bidder shall hand deliver their original bonds and wet signatures within 48 hours of bid opening to:
Attention: Fran Telechea
Downtown Campus Center
655 W. 18th Street, Merced, CA 95340
If the original bonds and wet signatures are not received within 48 hours, we will move to next lowest bidder.
A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Job Walk will be conducted on MAY 6, 2021 beginning promptly at 10:00AM outside of
Tenaya & Cathedral. Only bidders who participate in the Job Walk will be allowed to bid on the Project as prime
contractors. Bidders shall park in the Bellevue lot. Parking permits are required For parking permit details, see
https://taps.ucmerced.edu/permits/visitorsvendors.. Bidders will be required to wear masks and comply with a Health
check-in at the front of campus. Anyone feeling ill or have a fever should not attend. Bidders must follow all posted
building safety information for COVID-19. Bidder is responsible for bringing their own ladder and any equipment
that may be needed during the job walk. If you need accommodations related to disabilities, please call Fran Telechea at 209-201-8174 at least 3 working days
prior to the job walk.
Any questions related to the bid and/or bid documents must be submitted in writing and submitted to Sara Anastos at
sanastos@ucmerced.edu. RFI questions must be submitted by MAY, 12, 2021 at 4:00PM.
LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: The successful Bidder will be required to have the following State of California
Contractor's License current at the time of submission of the Bid:
B or C-20